Love the Women
I do not know how the word WoMEN invented but as per my definition Worth of Men is zero without WoMen. Men is worthless without love of women. Whether she is in our life as mother, sister, friend or wife, she need to be respected with love. If the men is sun, women are rays. If the men is moon, women are its brightness. If the men is water, women is its coolness. If the men is fire women is its warmness. If the men is air, women is its freshness. If the men is balloon, women is air in the balloon and if the men is tree women is its root.
Men is mostly guided by his duty but women need love along with duty. Women is mainly guided by love but she fulfils her duty with love. In Eastern culture women was worshipped from ages and particularly in Bharat Bhoomi women was well respected since civilisation barring last millennium. The prosperity of India attracted invaders and women needed to be guarded but slowly women was suppressed. However since last 50 years government of India and society is trying to empower women. On a lighter side after 50 years may be men starts asking for their rights.
Love the women, whatever relationship you are in with her. Do not treat women as your duty only. Fulfil duty with love. Happy women’s day.
5 tips to treat the women:
1) Do your duty towards women with love.
2) Women needs to be respected and cared for her feelings.
3) Develop EQ (Emotional Intelligence) to understand her feelings. She may be very talkative but expresses her needs in very subtle ways to her dear ones.
4) Do not appreciate another women in her presence. Most of the women have strong jealous feelings. Women please excuse me for this.
5) Men is worthless without women in life so drop your ego to keep them in your life.
माँ, बहना, पत्नी, सखा
चाहे सब सम्मान।
प्रेम उन्हें सादर करे
तभी बढ़ेगा मान।