Scripture Script Path
The scriptures, holy inscriptions of religion or philosophy, are expressions of enlightened people. But the scripture don’t necessarily express the real feelings of those enlightened people. Like it is not possible to exactly describe the smell of sandal wood, the sound of Om, appearance of Kohinoor diamond, taste of Amrut or feel of clouds. One has to experience it. Enlightened people experienced the spirituality, the soul, the God, the nature, the energy or whatever the name you call it. To express one takes the help of words and words do not have power to express 100% what you feel. The other problem with words, sentences, paragraphs and book is that everyone finds different meaning. Even one person reading same thing at different point of time or in different situation, finds different meaning.
In my opinion scriptures work like a lamp. They show you the path but one has to walk himself and find the meaning of life and eventually feel the god. Scriptures work like a path. One has to walk to reach the destination. Scriptures are not god. Scriptures give food for thought to reach the god. Our planet earth is no more than a sand particle in this universe. All the enlightened souls whose scripture we read are born on this planet. We have not been able to explore our own solar system which is also like a sand particle in the universe. There may be planets which are more advance than us. Their knowledge and wisdom may be much more that what we have.
5 tips to read scriptures:
1) Read scriptures of all the religions with open mind.
2) Scriptures are lamps. One need to walk himself for enlightenment.
3) No scripture can be final word on wisdom of entire universe.
4) The written wisdom is no more than a sand particle on a sea beach.
5) Respect the scripture and keep enhancing your wisdom.