PTW (Process Thoughts Wisely)
In India, as the summer approaches; you will come across sugarcane juice extracting machine on the road side. When they put sugarcane from one end, the sugarcane gets crushed giving out sweet juice and the waste goes out from the other end. The same practice can be used for processing our thoughts. Our mind keeps on receiving thoughts continuously which generates emotions. Mostly people do not keep watch on those thoughts and very few process them intelligently and hence can keep control on emotions. Our thoughts are like sugarcane. Sweet juice is like positive emotions and waste is like negative emotions. In short, our mind is a juice extracting machine.
It is imperative that every day we get thousands of good as well as bad thoughts and if we do not process them properly then the negative thoughts will generate negative actions/ emotions whil epositive thought will create positive actions/ emotions. If we keep our mind and intellect always alert, negative thoughts will get destroyed and only positive thoughts will materialize into positive actions.
5 steps for processing thoughts:
1. Watch your feelings. Broadly it can be categorized as positive, negative and indifferent.
2. Analyze the thoughts behind those feelings. Feelings are normally accumulation of thoughts. So, go deeper to know root cause of those thoughts.
3. Imagine the consequences of actions you take, based on such feelings and thoughts. If they are negative, try to eliminate those thoughts. If they are positive, go ahead.
4. Initially you will need conscious efforts to do that and may fail many times to eliminate negative thoughts but slowly your subconscious mind will take over this process and success rate will improve.
5. Sometimes in spite of knowing negative consequences, your senses will force you to take action for pleasure of body and mind; however continuous efforts will be needed to destroy negative thoughts.