Possessiveness Suffocates Relationship
Relationship should be maintained like holding a bird in hand. If you hold it tightly, it will suffocate and die. If you hold it loosely, it will fly. If you hold with love and care, it will stay with you. In Indian context, I feel that we tend to be very possessive about our spouse and children, compared to western culture. Possessiveness increases attachment, which in turn increases expectations.
Till today it had not created much of the problems but due to rise in nuclear families, distances due to jobs and increase in working females, there is mismatch between modern life style and traditional values. It is becoming a major cause of strain in relationships.Present circumstances and changing culture demands more space to be given in close relationships.
5 Tips to handle Relationship :
1.Trust is the foundation of a strong relationship.
2.Good understanding is the basic need of relationship.
3.Giving space is important in relationship.
4.People are generally different not difficult.
5.Men and women are genetically different and need to be handled accordingly.
दोहा by अविनाश बागड़े
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