Never Keep Regrets
My father did not leave enough wealth for me. I could not complete my professional course. I did not get desired job. My business did not flourish the way I wished. My child did not get in merit list in SSC exam. I could not marry the girl I loved. Like that there are thousands of regrets in life. In such circumstances we have 2 choices: Either to live with regrets or leave the regret and carry on. Either crib for what you could not get or love what you got. Either plan for bright future or cry for a painful past. Choice is ours. But this choice decides whether we make our life beautiful or painful.
No man is born, who did not have some or the other regret in life. Difference between winner and loser is that winner does not allow the seed of regret to grow whereas a loser keeps nurturing the plant of regret. When we nurture a regret it spreads like a weed. One regret will generate hundreds of other regrets and your life will be full of regrets.
5 Tips to bury the regrets :
1.Regret due to past events are beyond your control.You cannot reverse the time so the best way is to accept it as destiny.
2.Learn lessons from what has happened in the past so that it can be avoided in the future.
3.Do not blame any one for what has already happened.
4.Plan your future.
5.Show must go on.
दोहा by अविनाश बागड़े
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