Be Sensibly Sensitive
When you are very fragile about your emotions, you are sensitive. But when you are very careful about the emotions of others, you are sensible. According to Richard Nordquist, Grammar & Composition Expert, the most common meaningsof the adjective Sensible are- practical, reasonable, having (or showing) good sense or sound judgment. The most common meanings of the adjective Sensitive are- easily hurt or offend,highly perceptive, quick to respond to slight changes. Many people call themselves sensitive but when you deeply analyze them, you will find that they are sensitive about their own feelings. They keep hurting others without realizing it.
Daniel Goleman in the book Emotional Intelligence (EQ) explained that your EQ is higher when you are competent enough to understand impact of your words and actions on the feeling of others. For most of us it is easy to understand when someone hurts but difficult to empathize feeling of others caused by our own words and actions.
When you feel hurt, think from others point of view. His/her background, education, experience, basic nature and your relationship with them. Your pain will reduce after understanding the real reasons. Being sensibly sensitive requires balanced use of mind and intellect.
5 Tips How to be sensibly sensitive:
1. Be conscious of the consequences of your actions.
2. Analyze the actions of others before reacting.
3. Be quick to seek apology if unintentionally you have hurt someone.
4. Learn to let go.
5. Give benefit of lack of wisdom to others.
दोहा by अविनाश बागड़े
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