Am I Foolish?
As long as one is silently ignorant, no one can call them foolish. The moment one opens mouth or act in the matters where their knowledge insufficient or despite of having knowledge one acts against their own wisdom, one’s foolishness is unfolded. Any of your action which is not in tune with your wisdom, may result into foolishness. In Indian mythology, Kalidas (AD 375) is regarded as a biggest fool for he cut the branch of a tree on which he was sitting! On the other hand, he is renowned for his creativity, intelligence & his contribution as a poet and writer.
We are neither intelligent all the time nor we are foolish all the time. However, if we act foolishly most of the time then we will be regarded as foolish and vice versa. The wisest people in the history have also committed foolish act at times wondering how they could act so foolishly.
5 conditions under which a person may act foolishly:-
1. Western psychotherapists say that a person acts foolishly when he/she is in HALT (Hungry, Angry, Lonely and Tired) condition when the threshold level of handling emotions reduces and he/she regrets later.
2. If one opens mouth before weighing the thoughts, chances are that he ends up being foolish.
3. If a person acts against his conscious, the consequences may end him up in the category of foolish.
4. When emotions dominate the thoughts, it is likely that one commits foolish act.
5. When a person start thinking that his knowledge and abilities are supreme, chances are bright that his intellect may let him down.
दोहा by अविनाश बागड़े
बैठे हो जिस पर अभी, मत काटो वह डाल।
करने के पहले सदा , मेधा रखो संभाल।।