5 tips to select head of organisation
During last 33 years I have worked with several organisations, in India and abroad. I have been part of various non profit organisations also. Some time as member or some time got opportunity to lead the same. My conclusion is, head of the organisation has capability to either make organisation better or break it in pieces. Many times you might have observed that organisation remain the same but as soon as the head changes either it get so efficient, vibrant and captivating or becomes dull and lifeless. The quality of organisation is complete reflection of quality of its leadership. An energetic and efficient leader can single handedly make, even a very big organisation, efficient and effective. Selection of right leader is the single most critical factor to make organisation successful or failure.
5 Tips for selecting Head of Organisation:
1) Leader must have good communication skills.
2) Leader shall be competent enough to Head of Organisation.
3) Leader shall be willing and energetic to take the responsibility to run the organisation.
4) Leader must have enough time to lead the organisation and create successor.
5) Change the leader immediately if any of the above attribute is missing otherwise organisation will have slow death.