If there is no challenge in life change will not come. Take for example life of street sweeper few years back in a small village. Day in and out he did the same job of sweeping the street and in return was happy to get some bread, leftover and old clothes on festivals. At that time, he never felt of any thing else. But slowly due to industrialization and urbanization new things arrived in the market and in common man’s life. His own desires family needs increased and this became a challenge in his life. There after he worked harder to improve the quality of his family life by imparting education to his children.
Whatever development, materialistic or spiritual we observe in life of people is due to challenges in life. If there is no challenge one will stop making efforts. There will be change; but it will be downward. To bring positive change we need to set challenges for our children. In work life we need to set challenges for our employees. Keep challenging yourself and you will witness change in your life too.
5 Tips to create and manage challenges of life:
1) Stretch your goals.
2) Create capabilities to meet challenges.
3) Plan effectively to meet challenge.
4) Be open for change in life.
5) Be prepared to face unexpected events.