NTN (Nurture The Nature)
A very intelligent couple of parrot gave birth to 2 children. It so happened that one was taken by the sage and another by some uneducated notorious person. Both the child parrot got an excellent ability to articulate the human voice. The parrot that grew up in sage’s hut learned excellent civilized language and used to greet new comer with NAMASTE and other welcoming remarks. Whereas parrot nurtured at devil’s house learned very rough language and used to speak abusive words.
Often there arises a question whether our DNA is responsible for what we are or it is the environment we raised in. In my opinion both play an equally important role. An excellent seed can’t guarantee an excellent tree unless it is nurtured with care.
As a human being we fall on the scale of destiny at one end and our Karma at another end. Some people are extremely destiny dependent and some believe only in karma. But one must understand that as soon as we are born our DNA freezes & the cycle of karma begins. We can make our personality as we want, based on the intrinsic qualities. The tree is the product of a seed but every seed grows the way it is cultivated. We have no option but find out our basic nature and nurture it. Rather than blaming our destiny, we must focus on the present karma.
5 tips for best nurturing:
1. Every child is different. Find out the best quality and nurture that quality rather than focusing on attribute with no traces.
2. Do not compare and compete with others. It can be like a lion is compared with shark.
3. A successful human being is not who has accumulated power or wealth but who had maintained and nurtured his basic quality which is humanity.
4. People are not difficult, they are different. Try to find their nature and environment they grown in and deal accordingly.
5. As a human being our 3 main purposes are:
a) Love all Beings b) Perform Duty Rightly c) Enhance Wisdom