Retreat to Leap Better
I just read Ms. Sukhada Chaudhary’s post on LinkedIn. “The French have a phrase : Reculer pour mieux sauter. It means to retreat in order to leap better.” While playing chess it’s a normal strategy to retreat and attack. In ancient days kings were not hesitant to retreat and attack again with more force. Last 2 years 2020 and 2021 (due to prevalence of COVID) almost all of us suffered economic and emotional losses but let us consider these two years as retreat and bounce back with double the force. Though COVID period is still not over but seems new variants are weakening, vaccination is on full drive and people are becoming fearless.
Now is the time to forget the past. Gone is gone. It is time to accept , what is; it is. It is time to set new goals and strive with double force and renewed hope. It is time to rebuild relationships. It is time to rebuild new world, better world. It is time for peace and prosperity.
Five tips for new leap:
1) Let the past don’t ruin present. Develop positive thinking and positive attitude. Set new goals. Form new strategies. Collect your all energy.
2) Accept the vaccination with positivity. Don’t compromise with safety such as mask, sanitisation and safe distance till corona is eliminated completely or majorly.
3) Problems and tough time always give room for new opportunities. Look around with new hope and you may find new opportunities in your area of expertise.
4) COVID has given big lesson that health must not be compromised at any cost. Pahala sukh nirogi kaya. Health first. Do yoga, walk, gym, swimming or any other outdoor sport whatever you like. Investing one hour everyday and reaping benefit for rest of 23 hours is not a bad idea. Eat healthy. Sleep well.
5) Tough time has also taught us the importance of relatives and friends. Develop and nurture relationships. For that love, trust and care work as adhesive. Money, power and fame is good to have but not at the cost of health and relationships. COVID has also taught us to be prepared for anything worst.