Nectar Of Wisdom

Every organization faces one or more of the following problems….

  • Growth
  • New products
  • Expansion
  • New business
  • Employee retention

The solution to these problems are either increasing marketing efforts, developing new products, developing new markets or going for diversification. Yet the sustainability, profitability continues to haul the promoters.

Having a quality product at affordable price is highly recommended. Right? The question is who determines the quality? Customer? Marketer? Who? My product has highest features does it mean my product has the best quality?

Does your competitor redefine quality of a product for the customer? Will satisfied customers come back to buy your product? How will the technology affect your product/industry?

We are investing (money), we have material, machines, manpower. What else do we need? Some of the highly successful companies have gone out of the market abruptly. There are many examples. Large number of companies are having sustainability problem, despite having very high resources (money, material, machine manpower). Do companies need different resources today than the traditional resources?

We have used appropriate strategies, strategy frameworks for decision making, yet the results are not as projected.

We have systems in order. But they don’t seem to be working.

Today the need is to have a radically, not incrementally, different approach while address the issues related to quality, quantity and quickness. We consider product quality today is not determined by one dimension. Quantity, how much to manufacture is not just the function of economies of scale, and responding to market quickly is more important than ever before for organization’s sustainability and growth.

This book discusses five elements namely, strategies, structures, systems, resources and relationships to improve organizations ability to improve on three fronts. The product quality, quantity and quickness (responsiveness to market demands). The objective is to help the strategy makers more focused on job in hand and students understand the fundamentals of strategic management.

What we have seen is most top managers spend their time in governance than strategic planning. This book will help them improve their strategic decision making. The book will also help them get   perspective regarding quality, quantity, quickness, strategies, structures, systems, resources and relationships.

We would like to thank Prof. Krishna Kumar, Former Director IIM Kozhikode for writing foreword for the book and Dr. Sudhir Fulzele, Director, Dr. Ambedkar Institute of Management studies and Research for his encouragement and support.

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