Nectar Of Wisdom

Every one knows and understands that it is important to manage time, efficiently and effectively. But very few know, how to do it. Let me share few tips on that.

1. To get qualitative 23 hours in a day, invest 1 hour on your health preferably in the morning.
2. Start your workday by spending 15 minutes on making and updating To-Do-List.
3. Before closing your day review what you have done during the whole day, compare with your morning plan, check next day appointments and tentatively plan your tomorrow.
4. All meetings, seminars, social events are not important. Prioritize important things.
5. While reading messages, mails, take immediate action of deleting, archiving or replying so that no need to revisit the same.
6. Resist and avoid time wasting activities such as watching TV, chit chatting with colleagues etc.
7. Instead of going to meet someone, if possible keep meeting inyour office to save the time of commutation.
8. Keep doing not so urgent but important things in spare time so that there will be fewer emergencies in life. It is like preventive maintenance.
9. Delegate. Never do, what can be done by your subordinates. They will do better.
10. Place for everything and everything is in place. We waste most of our time in searching things or information. If we fix place for every thing and keep back everything in place immediately after use, it will save lot of time.


गया समय ना लौटता , निस दिन नूतन भोर।
समय प्रबंधन का करें ,पालन सदा कठोर।।


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