Nectar Of Wisdom

Research reveals that one can express himself 30-35% only by words, rest is through body language. Our school teaches us how to read and write, but very rarely any school teaches how to listen and how to think. Listening is a skill and can be learned by proper training and conscious learning.

Listening has various stages from not listening to empathetic listening. In a group you can easily trace a person who is busy on his mobile and not listening to the speaker. Next stage is where person is facing the speaker but thinking some thing else. Actually, it does not involve listening at all.

Another stage is where a person looks attentive but he is actually preparing what he is going to speak when his chance comes. In next stage person is attentively listening but still not observing body language of speaker.In empathic listening, you are listening with all your senses, with full attention, observing all his/her body moments, by stepping into the shoes of a speaker. At this stage you may even listen to what other person is thinking.

5 Tips for empathetic listening :
1.Step into the shoes of a speaker and listen.
2.Speak when absolutely necessary.
3.Do not allow your mind to wander.
4.One needs continuous conscious efforts to be attentive.
5.In case you have missed, ask without hesitation.

हाव-भाव कहते बहुत , रहता इनमे ज्ञान।
कहनेवाले को सुने , देकर समुचित ध्यान।।


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