Nectar Of Wisdom

Dear Readers

I am not a writer. I am a reader. The whole collection is from the books or articles I read since 1992. These are the gems I collected while reading. Many times a single line is so powerful that it can transform the concept and thinking of life forever. So I started noting quotes and punch lines from these books. I collected moral stories also. I have grouped them under 69 most powerful words. Insight into them can help one in influencing their surroundings in positive manner. These WOW (Words of Wisdom) are to create continuously positive difference around soul.

This book has no logical sequence except that all material is arranged under powerful keywords. There is no rule for reading. One can open any page and read any line. Even if one life can be transformed in a positive way by reading some of the lines of this book, the purpose of my collection is fulfilled.


Hemant C. Lodha


25th July 2011

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    Nectar Of Wisdom