Nectar Of Wisdom

I thank my parents, for their loving efforts to raise a family of 4 children, who taught us wisdom of abundance in scarcity, desire with detachment, determination in uncertainties, dedication in purpose, trust in relationships and faith in destiny.

I thank my wife, Prabha who allowed me to work early mornings and late nights to compile this book.

I thank my son, Pratik and daughter, Prachi for their continued love and appreciation.

I thank Mr. John Vijayrangam who developed my interest in reading books.

I thank Mrs. Nupur Lohia for I st Edition, Mr. Afzal Sorathiya for 3rd Edition and Ms. Shweta Bhoyar for 4th Edition, for their suggestions and painstaking task of editing the entire book.

I thank my all friend and colleagues who have always appreciated my efforts and encouraged me to compile this book.

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    Nectar Of Wisdom