Nectar Of Wisdom

Ideas without actions are like balloons without air. Everyday millions of ideas are generated by billions of people but 99.99% do not see the daylight. We have the habit of killing our own ideas by not taking any action. We must maintain a small diary or maintain notes in our smart phones. As soon as an idea flashes, without any evaluation, note it down immediately. Our memory is short and in no time we may entirely forget, what the idea was. Idea can occur any time; in the middle of night or ever sitting on the pot.

Then give deep thought to your idea, its feasibility, advantage, disadvantage, and consequences. If you think it can be implemented and going to bring good, talk with the relevant people. Ask their views and listen to them. It is not necessary that everyone is going to appreciate it but getting different dimensions and views are important for further evaluation. Once you are convinced and your gut feeling says it’s a good idea, start taking action to implement it. No idea will work unless you start working on it.

5 Tips to get benefit from Ideas :
1.Note down your ideas.
2.Discuss your ideas with relevant experts.
3.Do not get discouraged with some criticism.
4.Do not get carried away with your idea.
5.If you are convinced, take immediate actions for implementation.


नये-नये मस्तिष्क में , आते सतत विचार।
क्रियाशीलता के बिना , मर जाते हर बार।।


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