Nectar Of Wisdom

You might have come across a situation where 2 siblings are fighting and one of the siblings starts crying and complain to Dad, who without listening to the other side or investigating the situation, verbally lashes the one who did not cry. It happens many times in life that we get to hear only one side and we create wrong perception and opinion about the other side. If you go in depth and listen to both the sides; you will find that any single party is not the culprit. Both have made mistakes and finally what has come to you is an exaggerated version of the situation.

Many times we are also biased towards one party or we feel compassionate towards weaker one but if judgment is given without listening to both the sides, you may regret it later. Make it a habit, whenever you are in the role of a judge, however tempting it may be, never give verdict without listening to the other side.

5 Tips for better Judgment :
1.Patience is a prerequisite for a better judgment.
2.Listen to both the parties without any biases.
3.It is not necessary that the weaker is always right.
4.It is not difficult to judge between right and wrong, it is difficult to judge between right and more right or wrong and more wrong.
5.Keep the greater purpose in mind while judging.


कहे पंच-परमेश्वर , उत्तम यही उपाय।
दोनों पक्षों की सुनें , फिर दें अपनी राय।।


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