Nectar Of Wisdom

The completion of this book would not have been possible without the participation and assistance of so many people whose names may not all be enumerated. Their contributions are sincerely appreciated and gratefully acknowledged. However, I would like to express our deep appreciation and indebtedness particularly to the following:

My husband: Mr.Dheeraj Gupta, My In-Laws: Mr.Naresh Gupta & Mrs.Kalawati Gupta for their endless support, kindness and understanding during the writing of this book. Mr. Hemant Lodha for extending the opportunity to co-author the book.

To all relatives, friends and others who in one way or another shared their support either morally, physically or spiritually, thank you.

Above all, to the Great Almighty, the author of knowledge of wisdom, for his countless love.

I thank you.

Sweta Mor Gupta
Freelance Content Writer & Soft-Skill Trainer

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