Nectar Of Wisdom

If you add little EXTRA in ORDINARY you become extraordinary. I ask this question to my students that if they go to Mumbai and take a taxi from airport to Nariman Point, which takes more than an hour, what do they expect from a taxi driver ? Most of them replied that the shortest route, safe driving, smiling behavior etc. Now suppose, if he offers you a newspaper or a magazine to read during journey & a small water bottle, how would you feel? Probably you would like to give tip when you get down. It is the reward for extra service he has given.

This applies to each and every role of your life. Give little extra than what is expected out of you and you will become extraordinary. Mostly extra does not cost any thing extra. It requires only an innovative thinking. Try it from today and you will notice the positive difference immediately. Exceed the expectations and all will praise you.


5 Tips to Exceed the Expectations :
1.Make a list of expectations that others expect according to your role.
2.Think creatively about what extra you can give compared to what is expected from you in your role.
3.Make it a habit to give some thing extra in whatever you are doing.
4.Give extra in a natural way rather than expecting some thing in return.
5.Consider this as your duty rather than an obligation.


अगर करे उम्मीद से, थोड़ा अधिक प्रयास।
साधारण से हम बने, सब नज़रों मे ख़ास।।


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