Prepare For Worst
It is not necessary that we get whatever we plan. Our plan for studies, job, project, business, vacations etc. can fail and wise people are those who keep their plan B ready so that they can be on track again in a short span. Do your best but at the same time be prepared for the worst. This strategy gives peace of mind and sudden shocks are easily absorbed.
The best time to prepare for the worst is when every thing is going very well. That time one has spare time and additional resources to plan for future eventualities. Always keep in mind that whether best time or worst time, it will not last forever. Going for a sufficient insurance and saving regularly from income are wise habits. Preparing for worst time, is like keeping spare tyer in the car. You never know when tyer will go flat.
5 Tips to prepare for Bad Time :
1.Always be prepared and keep plan B ready.
2.Never take your eyes off from the future eventualities.
3.Do not hesitate in investing part of your resources for plan B, though it may all go waste.
4.Never keep all your eggs in one basket.
5.Save and insure for future.
दोहा by अविनाश बागड़े
रहो समर्पित काम में, मगर रहो तैयार।
कहीं जीत की राह में, मिल जाये ना हार।।