Do It Now
Procrastination is a disease. It does more damage than good. Most of the people can’t think quickly. They can’t take quick decision. If decision is taken, they can’t take quick action. There can’t be any reward if you can’t take timely action.
Sometime delay tactics work but most of the time it is considered to be hindrance. It is quite possible that all the information or resources are not available to take quick action but take your first step. Highly successful people, take very quick decision and very fast action. For them, time is the most important resource. Time saved is money saved.
Whether it is completion of any course, building of a house or execution of any project, it should be done as quickly as possible. For that, mantra is “do it now”.
5 Tips to take quick action :
1.Listen to your conscious. It always advices you to take action.
2.Do not go for excessive advice before taking action.
3.Take a small step but take it quickly.
4.Start your day with a To-Do-List.
5.Spend every day, one hour for your health and one hour for enriching the mind. That will keep you action oriented through out the day.
दोहा by अविनाश बागड़े
कल पर कुछ मत टालिये, जो करिये बस आज।
कल-कल करने से सदा, बिगड़े अच्छे काज।।