Are you visionary?
It is difficult to conclude whether “Vision Activates Wings” or “Wings Elevates Vision” and whether “Action Illuminates Vision or “Vision Induces Action.” But there is no doubt that, Vision and Action both are essential ingredients and Vision precedes Action.Vision without action is just a wish and action without vision may not be effective.
Most of the leaders are good at visualizing the final goal and forming the effective strategy but they may be poor at execution. If they get support of good executing managers, they attain success easily. A great leader is one who can drive team on well thought out strategy towards the final goal. To have a pre-defined vision is the first step for having a winning and successful team. Having a shared vision can be the best situation but generally it so happens that leaders visualize and share their vision with their team with an aim to get it fine tuned and form a right strategy. But the very attribute of a great leader is to have a great vision at a first place and this cannot be delegated or passed on. Visionary person can either predict future with utmost accuracy or can build the future the way he/she wants.
5 attributes of a visionary:
1. Visionary leaders gain expertise in their domain.
2. They are deep thinkers with strong imagining capabilities.
3. They have an ability to visualize the consequences of their actions and strategies.
4. They are risk takers and have the courage to go ahead against all odds.
5. They may change the strategy but they rarely change their ultimate goal.
दोहा by अविनाश बागड़े
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