D-Path – 6 D’s from Dreams to Destiny
Whatever happening to us in present moment is our destiny and whatever we are doing, result of that will convert into the destiny. Destiny is nothing but combination of reactions to our actions and impact of external forces in our life. Though external forces are beyond our control but whatever we are doing right at this moment is in very well in our control. Mental creation precedes physical creation. Physical action is not possible unless we had generated thought about that. We may not be 100% capable of creating our destiny but our actions are major contributors in shaping our destiny. Let us explore 5 Ds which can shape 6th D- Destiny.
1) Dreams:
Here I am not talking about the dreams which we see during our sleep with closed eyes. I am talking about the dreams which we see with open eyes and passion of which do not allow us to sleep. Based on personality, a person may have pessimistic dreams or realistic dreams or optimistic dreams. Ideally one shall have optimistic dreams but too optimistic dreams can create disappointment, dissatisfaction and depression if they do not get fulfilled. Having no dreams or easily achievable dreams may not generate much of enthusiasm in life. Having right dreams is must because having inadequate dreams is like achieving much less in life compared to our potential. One must discuss his dreams with close family, friends and mentor. They may help you in framing proper dreams. Once decided, write down your dreams and regularly review based on changes in circumstances and situation.
2) Direction:
Dreams are not enough if direction is absent. Direction tell us which is the right path. In absence of direction we may reach to wrong destination. Your destination may be in north but in absence of direction you may go to south. Right direction is possible if your vision is clear. Suppose you have lost in a jungle. The best way is to climb the tallest tree and see which is right path. In case your vision is blurred take help of people who have already achieved those heights. Wasting some time in finding right direction is much better than running in wrong direction.
3) Decision:
Nothing great is achieved in absence of right decision. While finding direction, you may have many option to achieve the same dreams. Many times we waste so much time in looking at those options but are unable to chose one. Many people are fearful in taking decision. Most of the time full information is not available hence one need to chose based on intuition. If your intuition is not better and you are not able to decide take help of your mentor.
4) Dedication:
Here the role of mentor is over. Once the path is chosen one has to walk alone. Dedication in effort is important. One has to discard his laziness. Continuous effort without gap can only give you results. Most people fail to dedicate their efforts. Results will be directly in proportion to your efforts.
5) Determination:
Once you have started walking on right path, don’t stop or quit. Be determined. Many times you will have doubts about the results but keeping walking.
6) Destiny:
Destiny is nothing but culmination of your determined and dedicated efforts towards right dreams. Have patience. Many universal forces are either working for you or against you it all depends how determined you are.