Let Your Customers Say WOW!!
If any one receiving something from you, he is your customer. It may be your product or your services and even your love or your care. Why a child can never forget her mother? Because mother always exceed the expectation of a child and child feel WOW for entire life. It is not that we have customers when we are working in a marketing department. We have customers in all type of roles we are playing whether it is personal life or professional life. In business term we call it internal customer or external customers. But customer is customer. To get WoW from customer we need to exceed the expectations of customer.
5 Steps to exceed the expectations:
1. Find out who all are your customers. Make list of them.
2. Make a list of their general expectations.
3. Make a list of what extra you can give, which he is not expecting.
4. Act and exceed the expectations.
5. Take continuous feedback of customers expectations and find innovative ways to exceed.