MEL (Most Important Eight Lessons of my Life)
Where we reach in life, lot depends on, from where we started and the quality of our decisions in our life. Quality of decisions measured by ultimate results of decisions which lot depends on circumstances which are mostly beyond our control. It’s not that I have achieved the great height but at this stage of life I am feeling contended, satisfied, happy, peaceful and blissful. And I think that shall be the goal of each and every person. Few problems were always there and will always be there because problems are inevitable and beyond our control. It is not in our hand to stop the pains to come in our life but it is completely in our control to have positive reactions to the situation and face it with smile. I still remember clearly that when Papa was told that he has reached to last stage of cancer, his immediate reaction was that not to worry, cancer is to my body but not to my soul.
It is always better to learn from others experiences because we don’t have enough time to do all the mistakes and learn. Though I got enough but I made lot of mistakes also and based on my learning and experiences I am sharing few of my lessons. It is not good to give advise without asking but since you all are my close family and friends, so sharing.
PAHLA SUKH NIROGI KAYA- Health first:Papa used to say that take care of health. 3 things are most important to take care of health. one hour daily workout, healthy and controlled diet and proper sleep. Never compromise on health. There is a lot of impact of our genes on our health however those are not in our hand but these 3 things are perfectly in our control.
PARIVAR HI SARVOPARI – Family is Sureme:it so happen that when we are rising in life the first thing we ignore is our health and relationships but when we are in problem the first thing is we fall to our family. Family can be defined as immediate family, close family and extended family however it is important that we recognise each and every relation and build it to the full potential. Dont consider family as umbrella to be used in rain time but it shall be considered integral part of life. Taking care of parents, good understanding with wife, giving space to the children, respecting elders and love to young are some of our sankar which shall be adhered to no matter what.
Money is important but not every thing: The kind of life most of us are living is dream of billions. We are fortunate enough to get enough to survive and lead respectful life. It does not mean that young of our family remain contended. contentment is good at old age but young shall be full of enthusiasm and strive for great success in life but not at the cost of health, relationships and values. Dont make money as centre of your attention but make good purpose in life as centre of your focus. Let Money follow you rather than you are running after money like mad.
Do What you love or Love what you Do: Nothing can be great if our passion and profession is one but mostly it may not happen so it is better that we love what we do. Dont be complainer about our job and boss. Give your 100% on work irrespective of any damn reason. Apart from work we get many different roles and every role calls for a duty. Do your duty irrespective of any situation.
Give back to Society: When we born we inherited this earth with lot of nature and man made facilities. It is our duty that we leave the world better than what we got. There will be always few billions which are less unfortunate than us. As per our capacity give back to society in form of money, our time and energy.
Ahimsa Parmodharam: Live and let live. We are fortunate to born in Jain family. Though Jain darshan is very vast but Ahimsa is the greatest principle of Jainism out of 5 main principles. Every living being including plants have right to live their designated life. We have no power to give life then how can we have right to take life. Love all beings.
Keep enhancing your wisdom: Quality of our life depends on quality of our wisdom and quality of wisdom depends on what we are learning every day. Keep reading, keep learning and keep experiencing. Meditation and yoga helps in enhancing wisdom.
Every action has reaction: It is a greatest misconception that there is a God sitting who has power to give us pain or pleasure. Our present karma is our destiny. What we do and what we give, we get back. Karma is a very scientific theory However prayers or going to temples will motivate us to think right, speak right and do right. Dont go to temple out of fear or greed. Go for self refinement. Our soul has ability to become pure soul by becoming passionless. Equanimity in pain and pleasure shall be achieved to become blissful.