Nectar Of Wisdom

Tit for Tat

The term “Tit for Tat” is explained through many children books/fable stories. Camel and Jackal or Fox and crane etc. are mostly the terms which are used in negative sense. If someone hits you, you hit back may be with the double force. However, in India we read about people such as Buddha, Mahavira and Gandhi who propagated the concept of Ahimsa – the non violence. Gandhiji’s famous quote is that “If someone slaps you, you offer your another cheek”. When children or even we adults read such type of contradictory stories, it is obvious to get confused.

In my opinion we should adopt a policy forgiving for the first time and adopt Tit for Tat rule then, instead of immediately giving back with the equal force or complete Ahimsa. If someone treats you badly, first time give him a benefit of doubt. However, express firmly your concern with indirect threatening that if same is repeated then you may retaliate with the double force.

Further, we can use the concept of Tit for Tat in the positive sense in case someone treats us with love & care. Then we shall give back that love, care and help with bonus and topping. So for all good things it should be extra giving back.

दोहा by अविनाश बागड़े
नफरत को नफरत मिले, मिले प्यार को प्यार।
तभी आज के दौर का, चल पाये संसार।।

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