Nectar Of Wisdom

WhatsApp has become an essential part of our life. It has several advantages but few disadvantages also. To be a member of any group has become more of pain than pleasure. I salute those who strictly avoid becoming a member of any group but for most of us it is not easy to avoid groups. The pain is more severe when one is member of several groups and receive the same message several times a day. Problem is aggravated by the people who are experts in creating fake and spicy news and then posting on the social media platforms. Sometimes an emotional stuff is circulated long enough where it has already lost its significance and relevance long back. Most disgusting is when post is to demean any particular religion, community; political party or social group and when that group has few members who belong to such backgrounds.

My appeal is to follow certain rules before forwarding messages. Let us be emotionally intelligent while posting messages in the social media groups.

Tips to use emotional intelligence before forwarding messages:

1. Rotary’s THE FOUR-WAY TEST of things we think, say or do is very useful.
A. Is it the TRUTH?
B. Is it FAIR to all concerned?
D. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
2. Never ever forward messages which may hurt anyone’s religious, communal or political sentiments.
3. Do not forward messages without checking it.
4. Groups are formed with specific purpose. Your message may be very good but if it is not in line with the purpose of the group, refrain yourself from posting. Or at least take permission of admin before posting it.
5. Think before forwarding. Messages should be forwarded when they are absolutely necessary.

दोहा by अविनाश बागड़े

सोच समझ कर भेजिए,सधे हुए बस तीर।
नई नई संवाद की उभर रही तस्वीर।।

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