Nectar Of Wisdom

Lets go through the quintessence of few religions :- Jainism stresses on Ahinsa. Buddhism on compassion, Christianity on service or help, Islam focuses on brotherhood, Hinduism on worship. According to me, nothing of these is possible without love. Love is quintessence of each and every religion. An atheist can deny the existence of God but he can’t deny supremacy of Love.Giving love to each and everyone, without any expectations in return, is the purest form of spirituality. If you do not drop your ego, you can’t love. If one is greedy, one can’t love.

If you are angry, love vanishes. Hate has no place, where love is present. If you love, you can’t hurt. It is easy to love your own family and friends but loving even unknown people, animals and nature is the highest form of love. It is only possible when we develop a feeling of oneness among all.

5 Tips to Love Universally :
1.Love unconditionally. Love and conditions, cannot coexists.
2.Look for inner beauty than outer makeup.
3.Do not carry preconceived ideas and assumptions.
4.My personal view is that love starts where intellect ends.
5.In love, expect nothing, accept everything.



भाईचारा अहिंसा, सेवा मित्र-विधान।
प्रेम बिना सम्भव नहीं, चारोँ की पहचान।।


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