Nectar Of Wisdom

From Indian continent mainly there are six major schools of orthodox (astika) philosophies (Nyaya, Vaisheshika, Samkhya, Yoga, Mimamsha and Vedanta) originated and five major heterodox (nastika) schools (Jainism, Buddhism, Ajivika, Ajnana and Charvaka) originated. The ultimate aim of all is to attain moksha (liberation) or in other words freedom from rebirth.


As per Jain Darshan, there is no God who has created this universe and it has no beginning or end and physical limits. It is mainly consist of 2 elements. Jiva the soul and Ajiva the Pudgal or matter. 24th Tirthankara Mahavira scientifically explained all the elements and process of achieving liberation some where 500 to 600 BC and knowledge was passed on through listening and memorising till 1st or 2nd century. Later when sants started finding problem in memorising, it was written in Prakrit and Sanskrit. Many Acharya written many scriptures on Jinvaani spoken by Mahavira. What wisdom Mhavira gained probably fraction of it was spoken by him. What he spoke only fraction of the same is memorised by his followers and later fraction of the same is written in various scriptures. What was written only fraction of the same is available and fraction of it is deciphered or understood.


Sloks and sutra given in website is followed by code to indicate original Agam. TS stands for Tattvarthsutra and SSu stands for Samansuttam.


However what is available is also so huge that it is difficult for a one person to read and understand in one life. So far I have read 2 books thoroughly and converted each shloka and sutra into Hindi Doha and tried to simplify in Hindi and English too. While doing that I have found sort of connectivity of each thought with rest of concept. is an effort to present that connectivity in original slok from Samansuttam or sutra from Tattvarthsutra, its translation in Hindi, English and Doha format. Later on I plan to read other Agams and add them too at relevant places.


I seek forgiveness for any error or mistake from every soul in the universe.

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    Nectar Of Wisdom