Nectar Of Wisdom

Probably India is the only country where money is worshiped as Goddess. Our ancestors understood the importance of money and wealth since millennium. Money is as important in life as blood is in our body. As blood needs proper and continuous circulation, money also needs to flow continuously. Money is behind everything whether it is good or bad. Money is neither good nor bad. Money is money. The good and bad depends on how people use it. Plan your finances in such a way that all your future major expenses and old age is taken care of.

People earn money in 3 different ways. Firstly, as an individual, by using talent and efforts. All employees and entrepreneurs fall under this category. Secondly one can earn money through money.Such as by investing in stocks, bullion & property . Thirdly, by using talent of others to fulfill your dreams. Never stop earning and creating wealth if you can do it morally, legally and without taking much of stress. Let a lot of money flow for utilization of self, family, friends and society.

5 Tips About Money :
1.If God has given you the capability to earn, keep earning and use it for good cause. Humbleness shall increase as you become more rich.
2.Never ever use illegal & immoral ways to earn, rewards may be bitter.
3.Keep the money in circulation; hoarding will depreciate its value.
4.Plan for future meticulously.
5.Do not envy people who are richer than you and do not show off particularly in front of people who are less richer than you.


धन-दौलत हासिल करें ,समुचित करे निवेश।
पैसा रहे प्रवाह में , उन्नत हो परवेश।। 


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