Nectar Of Wisdom

The phrase is KISS, Keep It Simple Stupid. Really, if we do not keep things simple, we are no more than stupid. Unknowingly we make things, work, relationship so complicated that it spoils everything. It leads to unnecessary stress, wastage of time and energy.
In work place, particularly in old organizations, system becomes so complicated and cumbersome, that it requires more energy, time and money to complete tasks. If you are doing some thing in similar way for more than a year, chances are that you are doing it in an inefficient manner. Whatever we are doing requires to be questioned from time to time, why we are doing it that way? If we question the methods and use our creativity, we will definitely find better ways of doing it in much simpler and less expensive way.

This can be applied in relationships also. If we keep them simple by straight communication, we can build stronger relationships. We complicate our relationships by making unnecessary assumptions on baseless lies.

5 Tips to Keep Life Simple :
1.Be honest in behaviour.
2.Review your systems and procedures regularly.
3.Use creativity and innovativeness in whatever work you perform.
4.Shorten the process by removing duplicities and bureaucracy.
5.Keep taking feedback from people involved.


रिश्ते हो या काम हो, रहता नहीं तनाव।
रखें सरलतम बात को, दूर करें उलझाव।।



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