Nectar Of Wisdom

Making a friend is easy but maintaining friendship for lifetime needs high level of emotional intelligence. In an era of social networking just by clicking on a request one can make a friend. But those people are nothing more than acquaintances. Real friend is the one with whom you can share your pain and pleasure with equanimity. He is not jealous of your fortunes and does not get sadistic pleasure out of your pains.

Friendship is beyond caste and creed, above class and colour,has no relevance for gender and age. One good friend is enough to lead good life. Friendship is not a relationship of give and take. In good friendship you keep giving unconditionally.

In friendship expect nothing and accept everything. As soon as expectation comes in, friendship starts diminishing. Your friend may have lot of qualities, which are different than your’s; accept them without any reasoning. As you accept apple as apple and banana as banana; do not question why banana does not taste like an apple or vice versa.

5 Tips to maintain life long friendship :
1.Expect nothing.
2.Accept the friend as it is.
3.Do not wear any mask in front of your friend.
4.Be emotionally intelligent to know the needs of your friend and fulfill it.
5.Meet and communicate regularly.


हर बंधन से है परे, बिना कपट बिन खोल।
मूल्यवान है मित्रता, गहरा इसका मोल।।


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